Honeywell Утасгүй чихний бөглөөс LASER LITE®
Ангилал: Honeywell, Чих,сонсгол хамгаалах хэрэгслүүд / Hearing Protection
Утасгүй чихний бөглөөс, поли ууттай. 2000хос х 1уут NRR (dB) -32 SNR (dB) -35
• Хурц тод өнгөтэй тул Safety д тохирсон • Хөөсөн бүтэцтэй тул чихэнд ороод тэлж дүүргэж өгдөг. Ингэснээр дуу чимээнээс бүрэн хамгаална • Шороо тоосноос хамгаалагдсан
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Өндрийн олс / Miller Titan™ II Stretch Pack-Type Shock-Absorbing Lanyards
Miller Titan™ II Stretch Pack-Type Shock-Absorbing Lanyards contract from 6-ft. (1.8 m) to 4-ft. (1.2 m) to reduce tripping hazard.
Convenient Design
In the event of a fall: the pack smoothly expands to reduce fall forces while a back-up safety strap deploys for added fall protection.
Quality Components
Miller brand products meet all applicable OSHA: ANSI and CSA requirements.
Features & Benefits:
- Miller Titan™ II line of lanyards is economical and features Hi-Viz color for increased worksite safety
- Two-legged models available for continuous tie-off
- All connectors are rated at 3:600-lb. gate-strength.
- Meets all applicable OSHA: ANSI and CSA requirements
Утасгүй чихний бөглөөс, поли ууттай. 2000хос х 1уут NRR (dB) -32 SNR (dB) -35
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Өндрийн олс / Miller Titan™ II Tubular Shock-Absorbing Lanyards
Titan™ II Tubular Shock-Absorbing Lanyards feature a built-in woven inner core which smoothly expands to reduce fall arrest forces: while the outer jacket serves as a back-up web lanyard.
Quality Components
Features Hi-Viz color for increased worksite safety.
Lightweight: durable webbing.
Features & Benefits:
- Two-legged models available for continuous tie-off
- All connectors are rated at 3:600-lb. gate-strength
- Meets all applicable OSHA: ANSI: and CSA requirements
Өндрийн бүс / Miller AirCore Front D-Ring Harness
Ergonomic Design
Its contoured design minimizes contact around a worker's neck: lower back: and inner thighs to reduce chafing and improve comfort.
Features & Benefits:
- Open-core padding technology for softness: breathability: and moisture control
- Up to 16% less surface area than other padding used on the market
- The patented Miller DuraFlex® stretchable webbing maintains comfort at all times without compromising on mobility
- Unique cam buckles on the shoulder straps ensures vertical comfort
- Quick-connect chest buckles provide easy donning and doffing
- 16% lighter in weight than competitive harnesses with aluminum hardware
- 20% lighter than harnesses with steel hardware
Өндрийн бүс / Miller AirCore Harness With Steel Hardware
Unique Webbing
The patented Miller DuraFlex® stretchable webbing provides greater flexibility and increased comfort.
Materials and components selected to reduce fatigue for all-day endurance and increased productivity.
Features & Benefits:
- Unique breathable: open-core padding technology provides optimal airflow and reduces heat and moisture build-up
- Up to 16% less surface area than other padding used on the market
- Contoured ergonomic padding design minimizes contact around a worker’s neck: lower back and inner thighs to reduce chafing and irritation
- Patented DuraFlex stretchable webbing provides greater flexibility
- Cam buckles provide easy one-hand adjustment and hold webbing firmly in place with no readjusting required
- Stand-up back D-ring easily adjusts: simplifies attachment
- Quick-connect buckles for easy donning
- High-visibility color for greater safety
- Unique and vibrant patterned webbing for easy identification
- Up to 10% lighter than similar competitive harnesses