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SPW, Нүүрстөрөгчит төмрийн утас / Mild Steel, Гагнуурын электрод болон утаснууд / Welding Consumables
ISO AS/NZS 14341: B G 49A 3U C1/M21/M24 S6
AWS/ASME-SFA A5.18: ER70S-6.
Autocraft LW1-6 is a high quality copper coated welding wire suitable for the all positional Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) of mild and low alloy steels, used in general fabrication and structural work
Features & Benefits;
- A higher manganese/silicon steel wire for GMA Welding
- Use with CO2 and Argon based shielding gases
- Wide Range of minispool, handispool and Autopak packaging options
- Suitable for positional Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) of mild and low alloy steels, used in general fabrication and structural work
Castcraft 100 is a basic, graphite coated electrode manufactured by CIGWELD for the repair and maintenance of a wide range of cast iron components.(Core wire is made up of 98%Ni)
Packaging Data
- 611732N – 2.5mm – 2kg Pack
- 611733N – 3.2mm – 2.2kg Pack
- Maintenance Welding of Cast Irons
- Lime Fluorspar / Graphite Coating
- Soft, Ductile Nickel Deposit
- Easy starting and Stable Running on Portable 240V Welding Machines
- Smoother Weld Deposit Surface Finish
Cobalarc 750 / CIGWELD
Cobalarc 750 is a smooth running, rutile type electrode specifically designed for AC hard surfacing applications.
Packaging Data
611473 – 3.2 mm – 5kg Pack
611474 – 4.0 mm – 5kg Pack
Features & Benefits
- Resistant to Hard Particle Abrasion
- Air hardening, crack-free, martensitic steel deposit – 750 HV30
- Easy arc start and stable running on portable AC welding sets (>45 O.C.V)
Cobalarc 650 / CIGWELD
Cobalarc 650 is a basic electrode for the hard surfacing of steel components subjected to wet or dry hard particle abrasion and low to moderate impact loading.
5kg Variations
- 611463 – 3.2 mm
- 611464 – 4.0 mm
- Basic Type Manual Arc Welding Electrode
- Resistant to hard particle abrasion and moderate impact loading
- Air hardening, crack-free martensitic steel deposit- 650 HV 30\
Cobalarc Borochrome / CIGWELD
Cobalarc BOROCHROME is a popular high alloy extruded hard surfacing electrode manufactured by CIGWELD
5kg Variations
613964 – 4.0mm
613965 – 5.0mm
Highly Alloyed Manual Arc Electrode
Martensitic Chromium Carbide Iron Deposit
Ideal for Fine Particle (Wet or Dry)
Abrasion and Low Impact Loading
Primary Chromium Iron Carbides in a Hard, Martensitic Matrix
Cobalarc Austex / CIGWELD
Cobalarc AUSTEX is a metal enriched, Rutile type extruded electrode
Packaging Data
613973 – 3.2mm – 5kg Pack
613974 – 4.0mm – 5kg Pack
613975 – 5.0mm – 5kg Pack
Features & Benefits
- Metal Enriched, Rutile Type Electrode
- For joining dissimilar steels or as a buffer later prior to hard surfacing
- Tough, machinable austenitic stainless steel deposit
CIGWELD Аргоны электрод / Comweld AL4043
Comweld AL4043 is premium quality Aluminium – nominal % Silicon Alloy rod used extensively for the repair welding of selected* Aluminium alloy castings
- 321610 – 1.6mm – 2.5kg
- 321611 – 2.4mm – 2.5kg
- 321612 – 3.2mm – 2.5kg
- Aluminium – 5% Silicon Alloy Rod
- Suitable for Gas Welding and Gas Tungsten Arc (GTAW / TIG) Welding Applications
- Embossed with AS / AWS Class 4043′
- For the repair welding (fractures and blow holes etc) of selected aluminium alloy castings
Cigweld Cutskill Oxy/Acet Tradesman Kit
The CutSkill Tradesman gas cutting and welding kit has been designed for general purpose oxygen/acetylene cutting and welding applications. As with all gas equipment manufactured by Victor Technologies, the items in this kit have been carefully designed to provide the highest quality and to ensure they comply with stringent Australian Standards where applicable. All the equipment and accessories are packed in a solid CutSkill toolbox. This it offers great value for the most discerning budget conscious buyer.
7,150₮ – 7,700₮
3M Speedglas / Агааржуулагчтай гагнуурын баг
SPW, Гагнуурын аюулгүй байдлын хэрэгслүүд / Welding Safety, Агааржуулалтын систем / PAPR Systems, Гагнуурын баг / Welding Helmet
- Гагнуурын хорт утааг 99,8% шүүнэ
- Өмсөхөд тухтай, хөнгөн
- 5, 8, 9-13 хүртэлх бууруулалтын түвшинтэй
- Гагнуурын оч, гагнуурын туяа, хэт ягаан туяанаас хамгаална
- Стандарт- AS/NZS 1337.1
- Adflo PAPR нь маш хөнгөн бөгөөд хурдан цэнэглэгддэг
- Hard Hat нь (AS/NZS1801) стандарттай, дээрээс хатуу биет унаж толгой бэртэхээс сэргийлнэ
- Харагдах талбай томтой
- Хамгийн өндөр оптик ангилалд хамаарна (1/1/1)